Posts for Spirituality

Blessing or Punishment: Reinterpreting Prosperity and Hardship

Since the time we were children, we have learned the difference between good and bad. The formula is simple. When something good happens, we are happy. When something bad happens, we are sad. And the criterion is clear. Good is about acquiring, and we work to see results that can... Read More

A Letter to You

It’s hard to explain the freedom. It’s so deep and so real. Looking through the confusion, the empty boxes and hollow images, I saw you – Dunya. You place veil after veil over my eyes. Trying to win me, deceive me, enslave me to your lies. When the truth is... Read More

Peace on a Rooftop

We’ve all had intense moments. For me, one such moment happened while standing on the rooftop of Masjid al-Haram. Above me was only sky, below me, the most beautiful view of the Kaba’a and an acute sign of Allah, this life, and the life to come. I was surrounded by... Read More

Reclaim Your Heart